I think it’s time for another recipe! It’s been a while since I’ve posted one. I’m still off work for another few days as I continue to recover from my foot surgery, so I’ve got extra time at home which is wonderful! I can’t be in the kitchen all day since I need to continue to rest a lot and elevate my foot, but I could never completely stay away from my kitchen 🙂 — crutches or not — so I’ve been experimenting here and there with some simple recipes.
Today’s recipe for homemade fruit leather is definitely simple! I used to eat fruit leather all the time when I was younger, but I’d pretty much forgotten about it, even though it’s a yummy & very portable snack. Recently I came across the idea of homemade fruit leather, and decided to experiment using a can of pumpkin that’s been sitting in the back of the pantry for over a year (or maybe two…). Voila! Pumpkin Pie Fruit Leather. It’s so good that I had to restrain myself from eating the whole entire tray, and it’s incredibly easy to make!
If you don’t have, or don’t want to use, canned pumpkin, just substitute cooked pumpkin (or winter squash) puree.
Also…if you don’t have pumpkin, you could use this basic method to make fruit leather from cooked/pureed apples, pureed peaches (no need to cook them first), plums, berries, bananas, or a combination of fruits — and with these fruits, there’s no need to add any spices unless you want to! If I have an abundance of tomatoes this year, I think I’ll even try it with tomatoes. Anyway, here’s the recipe:
Pumpkin Pie Fruit Leather
2 cups (or one 15-oz can) cooked pumpkin or winter squash puree
1/4 cup honey
1/4 – 1/2 tsp cinnamon (depending on your taste…I used a 1/2 tsp because I like the bold taste of spices)
1/4 – 1/2 tsp ginger powder, optional
1/4 tsp powdered cloves
1/8 tsp nutmeg
Preheat oven to 200* F. (If you have a dehydrator, you can use it for this recipe. Dehydrate at 140*.) Mix all ingredients well. Generously oil a cookie sheet (really slather the oil on…it’ll make it much easier to peel off the leather!), or use parchment paper. Using a spatula, spread your mixture on the cookie sheet, taking the extra time to spread as thinly and evenly as possible; this took me a few minutes to get it just right. Spreading it as evenly as possible is important because otherwise some parts will be over-done and other parts will be under-done (which will probably happen to some extent anyway, but at least you’ll be minimizing it).
Put your cookie sheet into the oven and let it “dehydrate” in there until the fruit leather is pliable…not wet, but not hard & brittle either. Mine took about 2 1/2 hours to get done; you’ll want to check on yours every now and then. A little bit was over-done and I had to let the cookie sheet cool a little before I could pry it off, and another little patch was under-done, so I just put it back in the oven for a little while. But most of it was easily peeled off the cookie sheet with a flexible metal spatula; this whole process would probably be even easier if you use parchment paper.

Peel it off the cookie sheet with a flexible metal spatula. If it's not over-done, it should peel right off with no problem. If it's under-done, it will be too wet to peel off...so just pop that part back into the oven for a while.
Store in a glass jar. I stored mine in the fridge, but you can also store it at room temperature.
Hi, I’m vegan and I was wondering if agave would be a suitable substitute for honey?
Hi Juliette,
Yes, probably!
Fantastic! Just what I was looking for! Know anyone that would be happy to pick up about 20 pie pumpkins before they go to waste? This fruit leather idea came to me this morning, and sure enough – found yours. Thank you! I am on my way! Did you know that canned pumpkin is the whole pumpkin? rind, seeds and all? So I bake in the oven like a baked potato, then puree it, and follow the pie recipe. Pumpkin pie lovers like my recipe… Thank you!
I didn’t know that about canned pumpkin! Is that why pies made with canned always win the contests? Fat and flavor from the seeds, and rind? How then do they get the consistency so smooth?! Mysterious.
Enjoy your leather!
Thank you! this is just what I needed to know. And now I’m sure everyone else who reads this will try the whole pumpkin method – I know I will for the next one.
Does anyone know how long these store out of the fridge?
Lynn, they’ll last years.