Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Kitty cabin fever

Cabin fever strikes easily at this time of the year, even for my cat — and trying to keep her from inventing trouble on indoor days can take some creativity.

Yesterday as Liz sat in my lap in front of the computer, I had an idea to search youtube for bird videos. As it turns out, there are many kind folks who have taken the time to record and post videos for cats to watch!

Liz was entranced. We watched a couple of bird videos and a fish video together. Her favorite was “Winter Birds.” And after the video session was over, she searched behind the computer screen to see where they all were.

Today was good outdoor weather, so we went out back. I rested, read in the sun, and soaked up vitamin D while Liz relaxed, hunted mice, rolled in the dirt, checked the solar oven, and helped dig soil in what will soon be the potato bed. It was a good day; no cabin fever today!


Do your cats get cabin fever? Have they ever watched a youtube video of birds?!



  1. Gerb

    I love your page! I check in on it regularly, and particularly love this post! I’m also glad that I’m not the only one who shows animal videos to their cat.

  2. snowpeas

    Oh my goodness!! If that isn’t just the CUTEST sight I’ve ever seen!! What a sweet, sweet kitty you have. I watched “Winter Birds” video and was enthralled ALSO! I can see how it’s her favorite, hehe :). Thank you for that fun post! I’m also glad to be getting relief from Cabin Fever with the arrival of spring!! <3<3

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