Sunday’s a good day to remember what we’ve been grateful for over the past week, don’t you think? I’m joining Taryn over at Wooly Moss Roots in her Gratitude Sunday tradition, and here’s my list:
– Taking a long, hot bath on Wednesday morning! What a feeling of freedom to be home, taking a bath on a cool, misty, cloudy morning, when I would have been stressing out in my cubicle if I hadn’t taken action and quit my job! I don’t think I’ll ever get over how grateful I am for that!
– Heaps more rain this past week! I really love the rain and the freshness and cooler weather that comes along with it.
– I’m so grateful for my Hubby. Life in general has gotten weird, has it not?!, and there’s deep, major change going on with the Earth and with humanity. We’ve been feeling it, and individually have been having our own acute struggles lately that have been very challenging and discouraging and depressing. His, with things going on at work & being treated incredibly badly…and mine, with my health and how I’ve been feeling physically. But we both have a vision for our future that we’re looking toward and working toward, and we know this low time is temporary, and we know that we have each other. I’m so grateful to have F. to traipse through life with!
– Puttering around outside at our entryway…transplanting stuff, sweeping, arranging, and making up things to do so that I can stay outside longer in the soft, fresh, humid morning air!
– Sitting outside on our step with a cup of tea, relaxing completely and reading a magazine…having gotten my moneymaking work done for the day. Actually I did this a couple times this week. Blissful!
– Making time for relaxation.
– Breakfast one morning of a pastured egg over-easy with homemade garden pesto (frozen from last year), steamed homegrown beet greens with pasture butter, and Russian Caravan tea. So delicious and nourishing.
– Placing my order from Mountain Rose Herbs and eagerly awaiting its arrival hopefully this coming week. I ordered a couple new teas I’ve been wanting to try!
– Tying up some loose ends around the house…completing small, pesky tasks I’ve been wanting to do for a long time…I even washed the salt and pepper shakers! Ahh it’s those little things… 😉 And look I even took a picture of them while giving Hubby’s camera another try. Aren’t they cute? My mom bought them for herself in the 1960s for her first apartment!!
– Getting good garden work done today (laid lots of mulch — rotting straw & last year’s autumn leaves), despite the 95-degree humid heat. I wish I loved the heat as much as my mom does…
– Grateful that Colorado’s heat isn’t usually humid like this!
– Today, remembering 7 years ago the last hours spent with my very dearest friend & soul sister, Sonja, before she departed Earth the next day. Remembering how much fun we had on that day together, so carefree. She’s been absent from life so long now that the 16 years we were joined at the hip now seem like just a dream. Like it never really happened at all. She’s nothing but a memory now. And so today, remembering what we were doing 7 years ago, at various points throughout the day, actually helps me remember that it was all real. And that feels good. It also is a very sad anniversary too. But I’m grateful that another year has passed that has put me further and further away from the searing grief I felt for so long after she died.
– Grateful that we did meet each other (at age 3, in preschool!) and got to spend 16 wonderful, fun-filled childhood & teenage years together. So, so, SO grateful for that!!!!


Me (L) & Sonja (R)
– Splurging on a piece of tiramisu at Whole Foods tonight, in honor of Sonja n’ me. When we learned to drive, we’d go to Whole Foods and sit in their café and gab forever over pieces of cake! Heehee…
What are you grateful for this week? Leave a comment!
What a beautiful post.
Relaxing baths are the best. It’s such a blessing to have our soul support during rough times. I am sorry to hear that you have been having physical challenges. I admire the strength of your sweet Spirit.
The picture of you and Sonja is the sweetest.
Love you, Taryn
You’re so wonderful Taryn! Thank you for YOUR support… you mean a lot to me!!