Kitchen / Garden / Sanctuary - Urban Homesteading to Nourish Body + Spirit

Making a Lemonade Day from a Lemon

I had an irritating errand to do this week in order to get re-hired for my job (I job-share with someone else — they work part of the year, I work the other part, and because we’re temp employees we have to get re-hired each time and it’s always a hassle-y process). In the past I had to just go to the HR office nearby to get fingerprinted but this time I had to drive to the next town an hour away for this stupid, simple 10-minute task — a waste of my time, energy, and gas.

I decided that in order to have a good attitude about the errand, I needed to make it fun for myself. So after the appointment, I stopped in at an antique shop across the street and took my unhurried time looking at everything. I got three little things including a little kitty picture frame, and this great book The English Country Home and wooden jar. I walked to a nearby cafe and got a fun treat-drink, and then I drove to a little town I’ve always been curious about, and stopped at a public open space area, which I had all to myself, and absolutely basked in the feeling of being in the mountains. I had forgotten how good it felt and how much I had needed it. The smell!!!!!! Spicy, earthy, pine-needle-y, heavenly smell. I’d forgotten how good the mountains smell. I came upon a little creek and spent a lot of time poking around there and soaking in the sound and sight of the moving water.

It all felt so incredibly good. It seemed like terrible timing to be away for a day since I have so much going on especially with all the garden produce flooding in. I miss a day and I get behind. A vacation day was extra-needed, and I didn’t realize it until it was happening. I’d done something Fun that day (!) and I came home feeling uplifted and renewed. I spent the next day flattened and fatigued unfortunately, but I made that stupid errand ‘work for me’ and it was worth it!



  1. pP

    oh boy that makes me want to go visit indian mountain again. I haven’t been out of the city much this past year. i’ll bet your day out in the hills was rejuvenating !
    way to turn that irritant into excellent !

  2. snowpeas

    INCREDIBLE!!! What a gift to have landed in such a natural and lush area with a stream and everything!! I almost expected to see little gnome hats peeking out through the brush. That’s a beautiful park and really lovely homes sprinkled in! I love the wooden jar and the book looks enticing. What a wonderful day, turning into something so good instead of aggravating :D!

  3. kate

    You make extraordinary, the ordinary things in life. What a gift!

  4. Lindsey

    yeah i haven’t been out of the city much either, and summer is almost gone. that mountain visit just whetted my appetite!

  5. Lindsey

    little gnome hats YES! they might have been there, i just couldn’t see ’em 🙂

  6. Lindsey

    it’s maybe more of a coping mechanism than anything! thank you for this really nice compliment kate!!

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